Thursday, June 25, 2009

OLTL Thursday Recap: Spit it out Roxy!

The Horrendous Mess Called "Hurricane Stacy"
Gigi and Sky convinced Natalie and Jared to drop the charges against Kyle, so he would reveal the secret. However, at the same time, Kyle was visiting Roxy asking her to convince Natalie to drop the charges, in exchange for his trust in keeping the secret. However, even thought all of this may seem to improve things, Rex finally gives into Stacey and they do it -- on UltraViolet's bare concrete floor! Natalie confronts Roxy, and she's freaking out, as Stacy is so excited, and blabs to Sky that she and Rex finally did it!

Cole and Starr tell their mothers of their current engagement, at first both Marty and Blair are wary, but soon tell their children to do what is in their best interest. Moment of the day was when Marty took such a great picture of Cole with his daughter Hope! Meanwhile, Blair still can't believe that Todd has given consent for the kids to marry. Todd hires Tea a staff including nurses, Shaun as the bodyguard, and Moe as chef. Tea doesn't want them, but Todd insists. Tea taunts Todd about Starr marrying Cole, and he rants on and reveals how he will hurt Cole if he even attempts to marry his daughter! Tea turns the tables, and after he leaves, plays what he said on her recorder. She has leverage now! Todd goes to Dorian's and Blair asks him the real reason he gave consent to Starr.

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