Tuesday, July 14, 2009

ATWT Tuesday Recap & Editorial: Boyfriend O' Brother

Quote of the Day
Adam/Riley: Guess I don't have to ask you what's new. You told me you were ready to move on without Casey if it came to it, and it looks like it has.
Allison: Oh, That's not exactly the situation here..not what you're thinking. Hunter's not my boyfriend, he's my brother.

As some of you may know, As the World Turns is near the bottom of my soap world, but recent developments have me wanting to catch up on what's going on. Who knows, could this take a spot on my DVD recorder? Lol. I even saw myself today between OLTL commercials looking at it, especially when I caught that quote. Most think I'm crazy that Maura West (Carly) hasn't been a Performer of the Week candidate, but now that I'm keeping up with this fast-paced soap opera include Carly, Parker (Mick Hazen), Margo (Ellen Dolan) and several others and I re-realize how skillfully they deliver their performances. I may actually may like this style of episode, for ATWT that is, any other soap, it wouldn't be right for them. And also, seeing my two new guilty pleasures, and definitely my top on ATWT, newbies Evan Alex Cole (Hunter) and Tom Degnan (Adam/Riley). This even has me paying attention to Marine Schulenberg (Allison), who I am very critical of, and sometimes think doesn't fit Allison's shoes well. But I can forget mentioning the most wonderful Billy Magnussen (Casey) I love these new actors and their characters, but I wonder why these in while former showstar Agim Kaba (Aaron) dropped to recurring and rarely seen, and Dylan Bruce (ex-Chris) dropped completely! Ah, I'm still not fond of the Jack/Janet pairing, but even though I believe completely a Cady McClain (Rosanna) return to AMC as Dixie would have helped revive the show completely, I would enjoy seeing her on screen for whomever she played. But back to my first of two ATWT guilty pleasures, I hate I missed that office scene with Hunter and Emily, but SoapHunks helped me catch up. Lol. J/s, this aspect of the show will have me semi-tuned in to ATWT, definitely not because of Paul, Dusty, Vienna & Henry, and as you know i'm not a Nuke fan, it's all about that Kish and Radam!

Soo, to what happened today. When Riley rebuffs Allison for treating his brother that way, she tells him that Hunter is actually her brother! Riley thinks if she told Casey it would change things. Casey and Margo argue about Adam. Casey tells Margo that he can't love Riley. But Margo, doesn't want him to make her choose between her sons, and is delighted to have them both here with her. She wants him to keep the secret from his father, and be civil to Riley..er Adam. Adam ends up telling Casey himself that Hunter and Allison are brother and sister. Then he tells his own brother that he will be a jerk if he doesn't talk to Allison. Casey goes and congratulations Allison and Hunter for being brother and sister. Allison thinks he may be insulting her, and says if he is then he should leave. He does, and Hunter tells Allison she shouldn't be with anyone who treats her this way. Back at their house, Casey tells Margo and Adam that he and Allison are through, he leaves out and Adam does too. When Riley sees Allison at the hospital, she tells him that every since he came to town Casey has been angry and secretive, and wants to know what the secret is. He says Casey hasn't accepted her, and tells her not to give up on Casey.

Jack, Janet, Parker and Rosanna are all on the prowl for Carly while she's hiding in a wardrobe from Craig. Carly says she can't stop from drinking and can't be alone. He says when he couldn't find her he went crazy. Later, Craig arrives with a passed out Carly in his arms, as he tells Rosanna about what happened. Carly wakes up and then tells Craig he tricked her! Parker, Jack and Janet come in. Jack and Craig say Carly has no options left, and Janet apologizes for her behavior lately. Carly tells all of them to leave, but Craig says they aren't going anywhere. Carly questions Craig's love for her, and says they are all there to humliate her. Rosanna begs her to get help. She tells Janet that she will win if they send her away. Janet tells her that she has reached her limits of what she can demand of people. Carly tries to leave but Parker stands in her way. Parker says she's not being a mother showing those behaviors. He also tells her if she leaves, she'll never see him, J.J., or Sage again. Jack says he cares about her, but Carly doesn't want to hear it. She cries, when Jack says look at what's become of her. She then tells them that she's not like her father, whom she had to put to sleep at night after drinking. She admits she's out of control, but doesn't want to go away. Janet, Parker, Jack, Craig and Rosanna all say they will help her as she agrees to go to rehab.


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