Thursday, September 3, 2009

Melrose Place News: Ashlee wants Locklear to return; Rick Fox joins.

From MTV:

"That's the big question, but none of us know if she's going to come back or not," Simpson told MTV News about the new show, which premieres Tuesday. "I mean, of course everyone would love for her to come back, but we don't know. [It's] up in the air.

Even if the show's original drama queen doesn't return, Simpson promises plenty of new drama. "I had never watched the original 'Melrose Place,' " she revealed. "They had such a good vision for it, and it's a little bit grittier than the original and a little bit more cinematic. There's still good ol' drama, and I was really intrigued by my character."

And there will still be plenty of action going down in the pool. "It's a new apartment complex; it looks similar to the old one. [And we have the] swimming pool," she said. "We've all been in the pool."

From The Hollywood Reporter

L.A. Lakers star-turned-actor Rick Fox has been tapped for a recurring role on the CW's new series.

On the show, a contemporary take on the popular 1990s soap, Fox will play the owner of the restaurant where all the aspiring actors on the show work.


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