Monday, September 7, 2009

Roscoe Born's Back!!? But Where?

Daytime Confidential's Jamey Giddens is reporting that Roscoe Born will be returning to one of his former sudsers for a top-secret storyline, but doesn't let us know who yet!!

It makes perfect sense that it is peak time for one of Born's alter egos on three soaps to return. His OLTL character Mitch (whom Born played from 1985-1987, then again from 2002-2003)'s daughter Jessica (Bree Williamson) is freaking out because she's being stalked. Y&R's Tom (whom Born portrayed from 2005-2006, and again in a dream in 2009)'s son Kevin (Greg Rikaart) finds out daddy had another son in Ryder (Wilson Bethel). But what if he pops up in Salem as Trent Robbins (Born played in 2008) just as life is getting good for daughter Melanie (Molly Burnett).

Guess we'll just have to stay tuned..


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