ATWT's Liberty recast?, Will Allison be Killed? and ATWT renewed!
Check the latest ATWT scoop from this week's Suds Report:
• As Suds reported exclusively a few weeks back, Emmy-nominated actress Meredith Hagner is indeed leaving World Turns (smart girl!). However, according to a couple of sources, David Kreizman has changed his mind and won’t be killing off Liberty. Instead, the role will be recast. Apparently, a casting breakdown for a 16-18 young female with a “hard edge” has already been released. Smart move, David.
• Nuke fans, rejoice: Word from the Brooklyn set is that Noah’s blindness is only temporary.
• Is Marnie Schulenburg out? Sources close to the actress relay that Marnie is seriously considering leaving when her contract expires in February. So perhaps instead of killing Liberty the show may off Alison instead. I pray this is true so I don’t have to keep looking up how to spell the name of one of Oakdale’s worst recasts ever!
• Holy Kreiz! Take this gossip with a grain of salt, World Turns fans. The growing buzz is that the venerable CBS sudser will be renewed for one more year! No joke. When Suds Report contacted our CBS sources for confirmation, several insiders claimed it’s pretty much a done deal but nothing will be announced until after November Sweeps. “We can’t cancel World Turns so soon after Guiding Light,” explains one network mole. “I don’t watch the show but everyone here says World Turns has gotten its act together creatively so the thinking is to give it another year.” Ya think?
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