Sunday, November 15, 2009

OLTL On-Location Shoot, possibly for Danielle reveal! is reporting that OLTL just recently had an on-location shoot featuring the characters of Todd (Trevor St. John), Blair (Kassie DePaiva), Danielle (Kelly Missal), Tea (Florenica Lozano), Ross (Michael Lowry), Bo (Robert S. Woods), and Nora (Hillary B. Smith).

The episodes are said to be dealing with a hostage situation on the Raritan bridge and will air the weeks of Dec 4 & 17. Seems like the Tea's secret arc will be coming to a head, and I can't wait because it is pestering me that Danielle doesn't know she's the splitting image of her father Todd! I'd also like to see her duke it out on screen with Starr & Jack!


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