AMC Week Recap
Did She or Didn’t She?
North gives Randi an ultimatum: sleep with him, he’ll let off on Jesse and Kendall. She doesn’t want to and he wants to force it. As he grabs her, she picks up a statue and knocks him unconscious. Randi leaves, and when she does Madison comes in – and finishes the job! Randi comes back in to find North, thinking he has come back to consciousness, but finds out he’s dead! Jesse appears at the door and asks what happened, and thinks Randi did it, and she in turn believes she has also killed him! She says she thought she could handle him, but he had changed! Randi says something needs to happen to protect her, she’s pregnant! Jesse asks if anyone could have saw her she says no, but Zach could have known about her coming! She says she wanted to help Jesse and Kendall out, and Jesse is stunned. Meanwhile at the casino, Madison tells Zach that she took his advice and reminded her husband that she has power too! Zach become suspicious when Madison tells him that he and his wife have nothing to worry about now! He questions her but she says just to trust her. When room service knocks, Jesse tells them to leave the cart outside. He then checks the halls then brings the cart in. Randi wants to stop him from covering everything up, but Jesse says let him handle this! They wheel the body out, by putting it under the food cart. After they are gone around the corner, Zach knocks on the door! He gets an employee to let him in, and the discuss the food cart is missing and North! Jesse then reassures Randi about everything, as he is propping North’s dead body in his car. He then pushes the car into the river! When they get back, Jesse says nothing about anything to Angie, and Randi tells Frankie she’s pregnant, and they share the news with the family, and Jesse acts as if he doesn’t already know. Ryan, Kendall and Zach talk about North being missing. Zach goes to question Madison, implying that he’s missing, but she makes excuses. Zach later find out that North was found in his car in the river! He goes to tell Kendall, and she is worried Zach is the one who murdered him! Natalia and another officer go to tell Madison about it, and she reacts horrified! The Hubbards get the news as Angie wonders what happened, since Jesse acted as if everything had changed this morning. Frankie reassures her his father is not a murderer. Zach goes to Jesse and tells him that Kendall has an alibi. Jesse says he just has to tie up some loose ends as Madison walks up and suggests he’s covering something up! Jesse finds a earring that he think could be Madison, and Zach asks him if he thinks its Randi’s. Jesse assures him that Randi had morning sickness and didn’t leave Pine Valley. Jesse then finds Randi and tells her he believes North paid of the security guy because the security tapes are missing. There is no record of her ever being there! Zach arrives at Madison’s room, and she is watching Randi walking in North’s room on security tapes. She offers Zach her husband’s briefcase with all the details of Kendall’s case, but he accuses he of murdering her husband!
The Long, Drawn Out Murder Mystery
Annie stops attacking Erica as Adam comes in the room. Erica says that Annie tried to kill her, and Annie tells Adam that Erica wrapped her hands around her neck! Adam believes Annie and wants Erica arrested, as JR comes in and tells Adam why arrest Erica and she’s been coming in and out of the house for months! JR and Adam then go outside and JR asks him why he’s doing this as good as Erica’s been to him! He also goes on to say the world will think he’s lost his mind with Adam shacking up with a murderer! Adam defends Annie, and JR tells him he’ll be public enemy #1. As Adam and JR go back in, he says he remembers everything – Annie killed his brother! Annie wonders why Adam is accusing her one moment and defending her the next! Annie says he couldn’t remember it because she didn’t do it. Adam then says he didn’t remember anything, he was testing her, as Ryan and Kendall listen, and Annie rants about trust and walks out. They then come out, and Ryan says that Adam should have kept going – she would have cracked! Then Adam wants them arrested. As the cops come, Jack also arrives and says this won’t be necessary if the accuser is in cahoots with the suspects! Annie starts to take off her ankle bracelet and escape, but decides not to. Adam then comes in and apologizes. Adam’s glad she stayed because they need each other. They then kiss! Meanwhile Jack tells Kendall that better not happen again, or she will be in deeper trouble! The next day, Jack asks Erica about Kendall but she says she no longer does damage control. Liza pops up and tells her the harassment of Annie stops now! Erica defends her self saying Annie attacked her, but Liza says she still broke in private property. Liza asks Jack to set Erica straight on the law. Meanwhile, Ryan and Erica connect on a stroll down the boardwalk.
Jack and Kendall discuss the case. The prosecutor asks for a continuance and the judge grants it. Kendall is happy and asks Jack why isn’t he? Jack says that North’s death was too convenient. She says she ran Greenlee off the road, ran North of the road, and may have even killed Stuart! They both realized she admitted to being the drive when Greens was killed. Kendall apologizes, but Jack asks her to find another lawyer! Kendall goes to tell Ryan about North, but finds he and Erica in towels!
What Wasn’t Dealing with Murder?
Scott is in the chair at JR’s office at Chandler as Marissa walks in, and she believes she is talking to JR. She says she wants to talk about the kiss, as Scott turns around! Marissa feels foolish, but Scott asks her does she want to talk. She says she kissed JR but it didn’t work out good – he was thinking about Babe. Marissa tells him he’s a good listener, and Scott invites her out to the casino! Scott bets on the slots at the casino. Marissa says she likes the new, unpredictable Scott! He loses, and she tells him to get out the rest of his money , he is skeptical, but goes along with it and plays blackjack. He then has a good time with Marissa and gets caught up in winning. He tells her if they win, he will take her out to a fabulous dinner! Then his attitude changes as JR appears in the doorway. Scott says he is heading back to the office so she and JR can talk. JR wonders if they were on a date and Marissa explains everything They talk about the kiss, and says he heard alarms when they got close, and says he’s trying to do everything slow for his son’s sake. Marissa says can they be friends but JR suggests a date! However, he n says only if Little A can come along! Marissa and JR talk about Babe, and she says don’t worry, Babe would have wanted her to be herself!
Amanda and Jake go to the hospital to see her therapist. Joe tells Jake that he and Amanda will have a child of her own and they will all bond as a family! Meanwhile, at the yacht club, David hears Liza’s baby crying as she is talking to Jack and Erica. David is dining with Krystal and says the cry is strange. He gets up to take a look, but Liza jerks the stroller away and tells him to stay away from her baby! Erica, Jack and David all look stunned. He goes back and tell Krystal what happened. Then he says he’s going to the hospital to see if Liza brought the baby in! Meanwhile, Liza lets Amanda hold the baby at the hospital. She then tells Jake she misses her baby, and he deserves better than this and her, but he reassures her. When JR and Little A leave Marissa’s David tells Marissa her baby brother may be alive! Tad warns Liza that her scheme will be ripped to shreds.
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