Tuesday, July 28, 2009

AMC's Scott Goes Nudie!

In his interview with Soaps In Depth, Adam Mayfield (Scott, AMC) calls "baring all in a clothes-free scene a piece of cake!" Mayfield says "Apparently I've god a nudie scene coming up in the next couple of weeks." "Apparently, [the other character] and I are out by the pool, and somehow it involves her daring me that I won't go skinny-dipping..They're going to do a side shot of me to insinuate nudity." Mayfield also tells the magazine it is his first moment on camera where he bares all, he had previously stripped down for theater before. My good guess is that the other character will be Brittany Allen's Marisa. Well at least she's not with her sister (may she rest in peace)'s ex! I'm just waiting for her evil streak to come out, because I know Krystal's womb wasn't big enough for two good personalities, they're had to be a David in there somewhere! Interest in Mayfield was peaked a few months ago when many suggested that he was the person indicated in an outrageous blind item by TV Guide Canada's Nelson Branco, and fans went crazy.


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