OLTL's Kish Talks
Nelson Branco recently interviewed daytime's hottest duo, Kyle (Brett Claywell) and Fish (Scott Evans) for Out.com. The give insight into the couple's future, and how it is for an out man to portray a gay character on daytime, and for a straight guy from the South playing a gay role.
Here are some excerpts from the interview:
The characters will share a kiss on August 6. What was it like taping a same-sex smooch?
SE: I don’t think it’s what people are expecting. The kiss comes from a different place. People will just have to wait and see how it plays out.
Were you guys nervous filming the kiss at all? Did you guys have to go out and get drunk the night before?
SE: From the beginning, Brett and I have been friends. He’s extremely easy to work with. Of course, there are nerves, but that happens every day when you come into work. I think we went in with the intent that we’re both professionals --
BC: Throughout this entire process I had to confront a lot of my beliefs in my life, in my acting and my career. I came to realize the job of an actor is to tell the truth of a character truthfully. Whatever emotion you’re supposed to have, whether it’s love, hate, or jealousy, you must honor those emotions. That day wasn’t hard for me because Kyle truly loves Fish. While I’m in that character, that’s what I portray -- love for Fish, which is where this upcoming kiss originates. The kiss comes from love not passion.
Brett, it’s been beautiful to see you grow and blossom these last few months as an actor.
[Joking.] Have you guys figured out who the top and bottom is yet?
SE: The focus of this storyline is not [sexual yet]. The writers are trying to be respectful to the serious nature of Fish’s [internal homophobia]. It’s not like Kish is going to be, “We’re out! I’m gay! We’re lovers!” The physical nature of their relationship probably won’t be addressed for some time. The love story is going to evolve slowly.
BC: We’ve been really proud to act out the internal conflict. One Life is focusing on the deeper aspects of the story. And we hope they continue to.
It’d be nice if they did that with their opposite sex romances. Brett, Kyle follows Fish around like a lost puppy, often staring at him from across a bar longingly. As of press time, it appears to the audience that Kyle’s love in unrequited. How do you convey his pain and love without making Kyle look like a delusional stalker?
BC: It’s easy because I’ve been in love many times in my life. And my heart has been broken many times in my life. My performance comes from a genuine, real place. To me it’s not acting, it’s more being.
And luckily, so are the fans. Now the most important question in this interview: Do you guys wear briefs or boxers?
BC: [Laughs.] I’m sure you’ll find out soon enough.
SE: Use your imagination!
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