Friday, July 10, 2009

OLTL Wants Their Guy, What AMC should wish - and suggestions!

..And that guy happens to be Daniel Cosgrove (Bill, GL; ex-Scott,AMC). In March, Daytime Confidential told us that the show was interested in having Gina Tognoni (soon-to-be-ex-Dinah, GL, ex-Kelly, OLTL) an Just thinking, what if Cosgrove went back to AMC as Scott, currently portrayed by Adam Mayfield. Even though I think Mayfield is doing pretty well (and I believe was Nelson's "packaged" blind item from a few weeks ago), I'd like to see Scott spar off with JR and Adam (Jacob Young and David Canary), but don't put him with Marissa (Brittany Allen) whom I liked to begin with, but is becoming boring and old. CP shows us that Marissa has a tiny bad streak, then even suggests that she's in the same league as her father David (Vincent Irizarry)! Or is it the not-fire red hair? Make this girl blond like her sister, and make her evil as her father is!

Now back to OLTL and Cosgrove, Carolyn Hinsey confirms in her New York Daily News column that OLTL is interested in the actor portraying Joey Buchanan, the arguably most recasted adult character in soap opera history (7 times), who last appeared on the regular from 2003-2004 when Bruce Michael Hall brought him back to town, but is notably portrayed by ABC's Castle actor, Nathan Fillion from 1994-1997, and Fillion appeared as the character in 2007 for Asa's funeral. If she stays, could you see Cosgrove heating it up on the screen with Robin Strasser (Dorian)? LOL, I don't know what to make of that yet. Or if she returns, his current-soon-to-be-ex-GL co-star Gina Tognoni as Kelly Cramer, Joey's ex-wife. As Kelly last brought to town by Heather Tom, (ex-Victoria on Y&R and current Katie on B&B) from 2003-2006, is currently married to Joey's bro Kevin, bring him back also! I think Kevin needs a new look other than former portrayer Dan Gauthier (2003-2006;2007). I don't know who could do that now, but I'll tell you when I find out or stick with Gauthier. Now with some more Buchanans and Cramers in town, bring Zack Conroy (James, GL and some mean teenage dude on ATWT. LOL) or Jeff Branson (Shayne, GL, ex-Jonathan, AMC) as the first male Cramer (not counting Jack and Sam Manning) in town, and the second male Cramer to wreak havoc over Llanview since that sincerely, baby-switching Paul Cramer (last portrayed by David Tom, who was also Billy #1 on Y&R and Heather Tom's brother!). We'll keep ya updated!


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