OLTL Mini Recap & Editorial: Lord, What a Stacey!
Well all summed up in a few sentences, Cole & Starr's wedding went through fine besides a bump-up when Tea made a grand-entrance, and when John shows up and makes us wait till tomorrow (actually Wednesday now) to see what's happening. Will they get married since Cole's not going to jail? We had some Rex/Gigi talk, and some pop-ups by Schuyler and Stacey trying to get with Rex up in the shower. Also Nattie apologized to Jess about Brody, while Bo encourages Brody to go in the police academy, and John gets the ok to use Cole in the drug bust to get him out of prison. Today's AMC, OLTL, and Y&R were about the same, not storywise, but they mostly had the same one or two plots the whole episode.
Now that that's out of the way, I watched carefully as Crystal Hunt (Stacey) performer today, and no, I still don't think she's lost her touch when she played GL's Spaulding Heiress. I understand that the character of Stacey, truly and sincerely thinks that she and Rex (John-Paul Lavoiser) were meant together. Now if you sit down and think about this for a while, this makes her just as loony as Y&R's MJ (AMC implant Stacy Haiduk)! I mean at least MJ was married and was carrying her victim's child one time! As Stacey seems to some eyes insane, to the writers she's perfectly sane, but with the character being at the point, to the viewer she seems almost unredeemable. But this just makes us glue our eyes to the screen, just to see how they'll bring this storyline out of the gloom. Poor Hunt was miscast, I mean they could have cast her as this unknown sister and foil of Blair. Or perhaps she could have been a mini Tina Lord (Andrea Evans) and the latest installment of Sarah Roberts (last portrayed by Justis Bolding). Speaking of the Lords, how come the only time they want to establish a connection between the Lords and the Mannings is when Viki (Erika Slezak) disowns Todd (Trevor St. John), then again gives into him. Starr (Kristen Alderson) is first cousins to Jessica (Bree Williamson) and Natalie (Melissa Archer) for crying out loud! Viki, Jessica and Natalie should have had their butts at this wedding. They rarely get screen time with Starr, and Jessica is usually gets screen time when she is Tess, and cooking up a nasty scheme with Todd. Take notes Ron Carlivati for your prospering soap!
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