Y&R Editorial: Chronicling Thoughts on Phillip Storyline & Other Notes
When this news first broke of this again retcon storyline, I was hesitant of it. I had begun to know Daniel Goddard's Cane Ashby as Phillip Chancellor III. But for a long while, the character Cane had ridden through the paradise of not having many troubles on the show, except for the Chloe (Elizabeth Hendrickson) baby-bump up. But more and more as I am beginning to see this on screen, and read up about it, the more I think I may enjoy this recent turn of events. I'm even moving toward perhaps accepting a P3/Rafe pairing, only because I realized how great Thom Bierdz (Phillip) is, but I said accepting, not approving, as this is still a ludacris pairing. But now I see how a hunk Bierdz is, and somewhat more appealing than Daniel Goddard, not to say I don't like him either. As you die-hard DG fans would see this as an insult as I saw all Chris Engen bashes as insults. But this is interesting to have Phillip III gay, instead of automatically going with the younger, Phillip "Chance" Chancellor IV (John Driscoll). It seems a trend now to make the few out actors in daytime portraying gay characters, at Y&R is with Bierdz and One Life to Live with Scott Evans (Oliver Fish). However with making Phillip gay, I wonder how the storyline will be carried out sooner or later when all this fizzles out, because you know if he is with Rafe (Yani Gellman), I won't be able to take it for long. But this is one drawback I have with same-sex stories on soaps. The story starts off with a central character coming out, and a not-known secondary character being introduced, and them in a pairing. However this becomes boring and as with AMC's Bianca (Eden Riegel) she comes to town again over and over with a different partner. This hasn't happened with ATWT's Nuke, but as I am, viewers are wondering when something different will happen with them. So I'm hoping MAB and her hot, interesting, and somewhat weird storylines can prevail to make this work.
For today, as a review of the first 15 minutes of Y&R, I'm absolutely loving it, Thom Bierdz, Tricia Cast and Elizabeth Hendrickson. To see Chloe and Lily (Christel Khalil) both pitted against Cane! And speaking of Chloe, does she know nothing!? First she didn't know Mackenzie wasn't raised a Chancellor, then Phillip walks in and she's like "Who's that?" These are tidbits that need to be tweaked. The Phillip/Nina/Kay/Jill scenes were awesome today, and I wish Kay/Jill could still be related, but no, then they couldn't pair the lovers Billy and Mac together. Boo hoo. I'll have more during a recap.
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