Perfomer of the Week: Sarah Brown (Claudia, GH)
Another week, and yet another occasion in which all soap stars bring their best. Although there was one other performance that rivaled this week's winner completely, this actresses' scenes when she finds out about her baby could not be challenged, and therefore earned Sarah Brown the Soaps-Now! performer of the week award for the Week of July 20, 2009. You may not like Claudia or the dozens of her personas, but you can't dispute that she brought it this week. However lets not forget this week's runner-up, the talented actress that challenged her, Y&R's Christel Khalil (Lily), in her performances in her character's cancer storyline. It was close between Brown and Khalil, but it seems as if Khalil will continue bringing her best even better this week.
Now that that's done, we have a slew of honorable mentions, because this week, even if the stories didn't meet your fancy, the actors were great. Again as usual, our favorite duo of rivals, Florencia Lozano and Kassie DePaiva (Blair and Tea, OLTL) brought it in a hand-slapping cat fight, which ended in ripping apart Todd's living room! Also Lozano was great in her scenes with Hillary B. Smith, Eddie Alderson and Shennell Edmonds (Nora, Matthew and Destiny) who didn't do too bad this week either. You also know as usual, I have to give props to my girl Stacy Haiduk (Patty, Y&R) who makes you sympathize with this homeless, garbage seeker, nutcase with a good heart! Also Daniel Goddard who went head-to-head with Billy this week, and longed for his wife, and his distraught father-in-law Neil (Kristoff St. John), who was determined to keep him away! I also was so, so impressed with Tonya Lee Williams (Liv) this week, especially in Friday's final scene. I wish she was on contract, and had a smokin' front-burner storyline.
Now as we go to GH territory, we have Brandon Barash (Johnny) who supported his sister this week, and comforted Sonny's youngest, Aaron Refvem's Morgan, who had to have broken everyone's heart this week! I was just anticipating Morgan to run in the arms of Drew Garrett's Michael, that would have been a heartwrenching scene! Even though we didn't see that Garrett did fantastic as usual, and also did he and Refvem's on-screen sis Lexi Ainsworth (Kristina), who I applaud for her scenes with her mother and sister, not in the scenes with that slob of a boyfriend she has.
Now to GL, who I really haven't been giving attention in the POW's but this week, I'm going to give them some dap too. Kim Zimmer (Reva) and Mandy Bruno (Marina). Now to ABC's All My Children which storyline brings down all the actors in it. However, no one can dispute that Alicia Minshew (Kendall), no matter if you don't like the way they like Kendall, if you don't like the character's storylines, Minshew brings her talent to the plate every single time! Now to DAYS, don't think I am oh so intrigued by the Chloe's poisoning storyline, even though I've had enough of Dr. Daniel Jonas. I applaud Suzanne Rogers (Maggie), Jay Kenneth Johnson (Phillip), and Lauren Koslow (Kate), but the best on the show this week was the incomparable Molly Burnett (Melanie) who slapped Stephie and just proves that she is a talented hair model to be reckoned with! Thanks to the talented readers of Daytime Confidential, I didn't have to do a poll this week! Lol. Btw, just wait my boy Thom Bierdz (Phillip, Y&R) is going to bring it one day, just wait and see! Also, they didn't make it to HM, but i'm definitely giving credit to Sean Kanan (Deacon, Y&R) and Rick Hearst (Whip, B&B) for bringing sensation to their respective shows.
Until Next Week....
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