Monday, July 13, 2009

Performers of the Week: Tricia Cast, Jess Walton, Jeanne Cooper (Nina, Jill, Kay, Y&R)

From her first scenes at the beginning of the week, undoubtedly moved by their performances, Tricia Cast, Jess Walton, and Jeanne Cooper all earned the Soaps-Now! Performer of the Week Award for the week of July 6, 2009! At first it was a struggle,

An honorable mentions this week include: Melody Thomas Scott (Nikki, Y&R). I know, I know, but I had to give it to her just for her reaction when she gets a peek of some Radam action.

Not much of a POW this time, everyone was about equal. The Phillip return scenes really just beat everything else out! Hopefully this week everyone will step their game up.


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