Friday, August 14, 2009

AMC Actors Have Sept. 8; Two 30 Min. ABC Soaps?

Carolyn Hinsey had an update on her Soap Dish column in the NY Daily News.

In last week's column, Thorsten Kaye (Zach) said the cast had one week to decide if they will make the move in December. Actually, they had one week off to think about moving. (AMC was dark this week.)

"The actors have until Tuesday, Sept. 8, to select their move option," says an ABC representative. "Many of the actors have committed to moving, but we are not sharing names until after the Sept. 8 deadline."

"Our primary focus right now is AMC," says the rep. "We hope Thorsten comes to L.A. to continue as Zach. We can't think of other options until we know Thorsten's decision." While fans wait to find out who will stay with the show, rumor has it that former stars Eden Riegel (Bianca) and Rebecca Budig (Greenlee), who are already living in L.A., will return. ("No comment.")

As for the other tall tales making the rounds, "The rumor that OLTL and AMC will become two half-hour shows is incorrect," says the rep. "Additionally, the rumor that [executive producer] Julie Carruthers is not coming to L.A. is also incorrect. She is coming."


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