Thursday, August 13, 2009

OLTL Thursday: Narrowminded, Frightened Little Idiots.

I want to see more of the Kyle/Cris friendship, and still Terrell Tilford is growing on me! This was about the only OLTL clip to hit the web today, so here's it with a synopsis.

Jessica thinks David's cameraman Ford may be her stalker, but she's proved wrong. Viki refuses to be apart of the reality show. On a double date with Greg, Shaun and Rachel, Greg's date is convinced Rachel and Greg like each other. Rachel denies and tells Greg that he wants everyone to feel like the recap title! Brody finds out that Jessica actually has a stalker! Fish doesn't tell Layla the truth, and Cris gives him an ultimatum.

Kyle and Roxy had funny dialogue at the beginning of today's episode, I forget what it was but watch it, above Quote of the Day material!


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