Saturday, August 29, 2009

Michael Fairman Soaps' 2009 Daytime Emmy Predix

Check out what daytime guru Michael Fairman decided for his Daytime Emmy predictions:

Here's a sample. Check out the article.

In one of the most competitive lead actress categories in year, all five nominees showcased their talents in riveting shows that truly were some of their best work of the 2008 soap season. This is a close race to call, and 4 of the 5 (excluding West) I could justify to take home the Emmys. “OLTL’s” Haskell had the performance of last year as amnesiac Marty Saybrooke who falls in love with her former rapist and is lied to by him about her entire life back-story. In her scenes, Haskell is terrific, however since the Emmys are based on one show, Haskell suffers from jumpy cuts from scene to scene. On the other hand, “AMC’s” Debbi Morgan’s gut-wrenching performance as Dr. Angela Hubbard, who reunites with her husband for the first time in 20 years, via the dramatic train track scene, is stellar. Both Haskell and Morgan have won Emmys in the past in Supporting, so on Emmy night they could join the ranks of their other nominees, Flannery, Cooper and West, all who have won in this category before. “B&B’s” Susan Flannery gives a potential knockout punch as Stephanie, with a sensitive, emotional and heartfelt performance at the bed of her long-time life partner, Eric, who she believes is about to die. Last years’ winner, who gave the soap season’s overall best performance, Jeanne Cooper, chose a terrific tour de force between herself and herself. Yes, Jeanne plays Marge the drunk, and Katherine, the duchess, in the beginning of last years’ 'doppelganger’ story. Cooper won last year and could take the prize again. “ATWT’s” Maura West chose something a little less engaging for my taste, but it does delve into the complexities of star-crossed lovers Jack and Carly and signifies her year-long battle with the bottle.


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