Thursday, August 13, 2009

Y&R Thursday: Wars of Words and Planted Bugs

Vail Bloom delivers another great performance as she and Rafe duke it out in a war of words! Too bad it ended to soon. Rafe then goes and visits Adam and wants to help him "come out" since he and Heather are over. Sharon has to go to a psych facility or risk ten years in prison. Abby finds Adam's bugs, and yet again he gets out of it when Ashley thinks Estella, of course and Victor thinks Mary Jane! MJ calls Victor and wants money or she'll rat him out. When he refuses, she plants a note in JT's pocket to implicate Victor! Phyllis finds out about what Sharon stole, Sharon in turn calls Nick and says they need to talk.

Quote of the Day: (keep in mind this is ad-libbed): (Adam mocking Abby) - "See how pretty I look??...See how annoying you are?"


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