Tuesday, August 25, 2009

La Toya Jackson to Co-Host on the View

ABC has added one of the Jackson superstars, La Toya to co-host, on September 16 and September 18th. Jackson will be one of the celebrities filling in for Elisabeth Hasselbeck on her maternity absence. Kathy Griffin will also appear on the September 18th episode, and posh spice Victoria Beckham will fill in on September 14th. This comes on the heels of news that La Toya will give a one-on-one interview with Barbara Walters next month, and that the reality series featuring the Jackson brothers is being picked up by A&E. Victoria Beckham will also co-judge on the preliminary rounds of American Idol.
Meaghan McCain and Eddie Hill will fill in also on September 9-10 & 23-24


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