Friday, August 21, 2009

AMC Suds Flashes: Stunning JR News; Riegel fires back!

Story information from Nelson Branco's Suds Report: JR will learn he has lymphoma, Angie will tell him the news next week. Natalia and Brot develop a relationship. Zach and Kendall will reportedly get their happily-ever-after in November. Madison will continue to air for now into November.

UPDATE: I don't know if this is what Nelson was referring to in his report, but I noticed that Gatschet was in the contract order of cast members in today's credits. Does this mean we'll see her in LA?

Eden Riegel tweeted after reports from Soap Opera Digest that she wouldn't be returning to the sudser when it moves to LA. She tweeted: "
Just to let you guys know [Soap Opera Digest] doesn’t have any inside information concerning moi. I am still an enigma!”

From the Suds Report:

Meanwhile, Mr. Eden Riegel, a.k.a. Imaginary Bitches’ genius Andrew Miller, tells The Suds Report, “We’re thrilled to have AMC moving to L.A.! Especially since they’ve been trying so hard to incorporate imaginary characters into their storylines (Annie, Spike’s imaginary mom). With our two shows being in the same city, I hope they’ll feel comfortable coming to us for help and maybe together we can expand the opportunities for the imaginary community.”
In move related news, the Suds Report repors:

Actors tell The Suds Report ABC is offering the contract cast stipends to compensate for moving expenses. Also, the show is still unsure which recurring actors will be welcomed in L.A.


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