Wednesday, August 19, 2009

OLTL's Brett Claywell talks "Kish"

OLTL's Brett Claywell (Kyle) has a new interview up which he did with AfterElton. Read the full article.


AE: At this point, are you more comfortable with it?
Absolutely. It's a process. Just as I would say a gay man is probably more comfortable three years down the road of being out than he is the first day. I believe it's a process. It's an evolution in terms of mindset and character and comfort level. I absolutely, 100% believe that Scott Evans playing opposite me is a huge factor in that.

He's a great actor to work with. I believe this is something kind of rare, a straight man playing opposite a gay man. I'm not sure how often that happens. Scott has just been a great resource for me, and a great partner to work with. I really, really enjoy working with him, and I'm grateful that he's the actor I was playing opposite.


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