Monday, July 6, 2009

MTS Re-Signs, But Exit Story to Play out -- Will Nikki Really Die?

Michael Logan of TV Guide interview Melody Thomas Scott (Nikki) and got several insights on her current storyline, and whether she did resign or not?

When asked about her "tweet-crazy" on screen grandson Kevin Schmidt (Noah) tweeting about a character's death, she said

"Well, jeepers, I would have been happy to tell you before that memo went out. But I will tell you this: The way they write me off is shocking, but ambiguous."

In this statement she said:
"It’s a short amount of time [she will be offscreen]. Just a few weeks. I have not been given my exact date of return. I’m going to take advantage of this overdue breather and have a little “me” time, travel a little bit, get reacquainted with my family and friends. I finished shooting just last Thursday [July 2]. And I really have to hand it to the writers. Nobody knew how this [contract situation] was going to end so they very cleverly figured out a way to get me off the show. I never say stuff like this, but I have been so knocked out, so impressed with the writing of the episodes that air the first week of August. Please put this in your article: That week is not to be missed. It’s an amazing ride—grueling but really satisfying—and the writers did terrific work. Not just with my story but the whole show that week. You cannot miss it. [Head writer-executive producer] Maria Bell, who came in and saved Y&R, as we all know, is doing an amazing job."

You can read the full article here.
Will this bring up the rumors again that a conspiring Adam and MJ take a body out of the ranch. Which I still think is outrageous!! But, this adds support to the claim that Nikki will see Adam doing the do with Rafe. Will he decide she needs to be eliminated?? Are they that diabolical or are they just messing with us? Not just Adam and MJ - the writers too!

So this also puts to quiet that Nikki could have been a possible character recast, in our last post.


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